Win Government Contracts Through our Mentoring


The principals of GovCon Dynamics are proud to present our 12-month mentorship program specifically designed to locate, bid, win, and execute government contracts. It is our goal to help you succeed in increasing your business through government contracting and mentoring courses.

Mentoring Teams

Once you complete the application and sign the program Terms and Conditions (due before June 14, 2022), you will be assigned to work with a small team of similarly situated companies. Teams will meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 1300 EST, in person or via Zoom, to work through the agenda shown below. Participants may bring one pre-registered “partner” to take part in the meetings and follow-on tasks. 

Mentoring Program

With a great deal of flexibility to ensure you receive true value from GovCon Dynamics training and hands on support, this mentorship program will consist of the following: 


Cost.  The cost for this mentorship program is $400 per month which must be paid in advance of each month’s session. Payment may be made by check or via the Paypal link on GovCon Dynamics’ website. 

Please reply to this invitation stating your intent to participate in this program. The attached application with signed Terms and Conditions must be returned before April 15, 2022. If you have questions or wish to discuss any aspect of this program, please contact Linda Cramer or Steve Renz.

GovCon Dynamics Essential Services

Consulting Services

Get one on one time with our team of experts. For the purpose of, helping you with your organization's specific needs. That, are unique to your organization's needs.


Looking to take your business to the next level? We not only provide one on one training. But also, group mentoring sessions.


New to government contracting? As well as, looking to gain a competitive advantage? Then, our government contracting workshops are designed for you.

Client testimonials

I'm a lawyer, interested in assisting my clients with the varied specialties within the government contracting umbrella. Therefore, I attended the contracting course. Above all, I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in government contracting.  - Brent Rowlands

I was a private contractor for years. Moreover, I had the opportunity to contract for the federal government. unfortunately, I had no idea how to get started. Fortunately, the Government Contracting Course walked me through the entire process. Indeed, it was well worth the money and I highly recommend the course. - Donald L. Kester Jr. Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer

The course was not only informative. But also, well organized. In fact, the instructors provided real-world examples that brought the content to life. - Cheryl Finch, Ph.D

When I went through the workshop I knew nothing about government contracting. Above all, Steve and Linda helped me understand the process and submit a quick bid. Moreover, they are very knowledgeable of the whole process. I learned so much from them. - Mary Kromer Owner -

This was the most valuable time I've spent in - well, I don't know how long. In addition, I'm kicking myself that I haven't taken this course sooner. - Phyllis M. - Owner, Lexa Global

I would highly recommend this course to anyone. Especially, if you are seeking to do business with the government on any level (federal, state, and/or local). - John T. ASJ-IT. 

Took this class twice. Not to mention, Steve is an excellent instructor. In addition, the best thing I learned in this class is that gov contracts have a lot of red tape. Fortunately, Steve helps you understand that and helps you get started. - Andy Sutter, Co-Owner Freedom Boat Club

GovCon Dynamics and the people are just awesome. Moreover, Steve and Lisa Renz has such integrity and knowledge of government contracting. In addition, they are such a blessing to those that take their course. Above all, I personally want to thank them for all that they've done for me. - Regina Dane, SendOut Cards

I have recently taken this course and it is excellent! In fact, I have recommended this course to friends and clients. I have not only seen many people benefit from GovCon Dynamics. But also, have seen them landing large sales through government contracts. If you want to start landing large sales, call this company. - Dave Flanagan, Spin Modern

Lisa and Steve Renz are two of the most trustworthy individuals I have ever met. In addition, they are eager to help others succeed. They are idols in BNI. In fact, everyone strives to help one another because of the high moral standard these two individuals set. Above all, these two deserve a HUGE thank you. In my honest words I can say, “I highly recommend Lisa and Steve”. - Nolan Van Fleet, Magician

The founders of GovCon Dynamics are so much more than business gurus. Especially, If you are looking to learn from honest, caring individuals. They not only built their foundation on honesty. But also with high integrity, principles and quality standards. Thru, building a curriculum around making others the most successful they can be. Above all, that is what you get when you come to GovCon Dynamics. - Elaine DeVost, DeVost Lawn Care 

This is the go to course to truly learn government contracting. In fact, It's ,an all inclusive ticket to learning. With this in mind, if you do anything to grow your business start by taking this course. - Pierre Granger, State Farm

Good course. Very informative. – Cornell L. - Trucking and Transportation Services

Our company liked how the presentation was structured. We not only have been in business over 30 years. But also, have pivoted to Government Contracting within the last five years. In addition, this course was a clear-cut process on what to expect working with the Federal government.  – Cynthia S. – Medical Supplies

The information and content delivered in this program was super high-quality. More importantly, the instructors have years of experience and have walked the walk in government procurement. As a matter of fact, this has truly been one of the best investments I’ve made for my business.  – Veronica S. – Administrative Support

I knew a little about government contracting. At the same time, the GovCon course filled the right gaps. In particular, I appreciated the resources and pricing strategies section. – Aaron F. – Weapons Manufacturer

This course will be foundational. Not to mention, in the many great things to come for my business in government contracting. – Eric S. – Trucking and Transportation Services

I would recommend this course not only for small businesses. But also for long time established businesses. Moreover, the benefits are enormous for both. – Tayseer A. – IT services

From top to bottom this course is very informative. Not to mention, the instructors are always available to answer any questions or to assist. – Daniel O. – Automotive Supplies and Service

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Government Contracting

GovCon Dynamics
291 Independence Blvd. Suite 515 (Pembroke 4)
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Email: [email protected]

Phone: 757-354-2066